Statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSO


On July 15, during a ceremony held in the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Belgium, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belgium Alexander Tokovinin awarded Plenipotentiary Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) Radion Pukhaev with “Honor Mark of the Compatriot”. 


МИД Южной Осетии

The Republic of South Ossetia celebrates the Constitution Dayon April 8. The main document of the state was adopted at the nation-wide referendum held on April 8, 2001. 

While approving the state’s basic law throughout a free expression of will, the citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia have made a conscious choice in favor of democratic transformations, building of a sovereign state, development and strengthening of institutes of public authority and civil society. 

МИД Южной Осетии

On November 6, 2023, on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia adjusted to the frontier with Georgia, close to the village of Amdzarin of the Leningor region of the Republic of South Ossetia, during the actions undertaken by a border patrol while detaining violators of the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia, an incident happened as a result of which one Georgian citizen was injured and later died, another was detained.

Южная Осетия и Россия

September 17 marks the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, which became the first comprehensive basic document that largely defined the principles and priorities of the interstate relations between the two countries.

МИД Южной Осетии

On March 5, 2013, the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, statesman and politician, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Jose Rafael Chavez passed away.

The name of Hugo Chavez, a true patriot and a worthy son of the Venezuelan people, who devoted his life to serving his country, is associated with a whole era in the history of the Venezuelan state, the era of the struggle for freedom and a worthy future for its people.

МИД Южной Осетии

The Co-Chairs of the GID on Security and Stability in Transcaucasia have notified the South Ossetian party about their decision to postpone the coming 57th round of the Discussion that had been scheduled for February until April. Against the existing practice, the decision was undertaken by the Co-Chairs unilaterally, without consultations with the participants.