On the 16th anniversary of recognition of the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation

МИД Южной Осетии

On August 26, the Republic of South Ossetia celebrates the 16th anniversary of recognition of impendence by the Russian Federation.

This epoch-making date in the modern history of South Ossetia is inextricably linked with the tragic events of August 2008, when, in violation of all existing international agreements, the criminal Saakashvili regime unleashed an armed conflict, having set for itself the goal to exterminate the Ossetians and turn South Ossetia into a “clear field”.

By the war of 2008, the South Ossetian people have passed a difficult path of formation. In conditions of permanent military threat from Georgian side, the establishment of our own statehood became the only opportunity to defend our right to life, freedom and human dignity. At that time, the most important decisions and consistent fundamental political and legal steps were made to formalize the independence of South Ossetia, which finally led to international recognition of the sovereign status of the Republic.

On August 26, 2008, the Russian Federation, being guided by the desire to put an end to regular armed attacks by Georgia, ethnic cleansings and genocide of the Ossetians, considering the will of the Ossetian people, have recognized the independence of South Ossetia.

The long-awaited event became an act of historical justice that ensured the security and stable development of the South Ossetian state and its people.

These days, the South Ossetian-Russian relations have been developing dynamically. The existing bilateral legal contractual framework makes it possible to improve all areas of interstate relations. The Russian Federation is a reliable guarantor of peace and security of our Republic.

People in South Ossetia will always remember with gratitude the feat of the Ossetian and the Russian soldiers and officers, all those who extended a helping hand in the hour of mortal danger and gave their lives for freedom and independence of our Motherland.

Congratulations, dear compatriots!

Tskhinval, August 26, 2024
