Press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia on the 34th anniversary of proclamation of the Republic of South Ossetia

Today South Ossetia celebrates an important public holiday – the 34th anniversary of proclamation of the Republic.

The Declaration on State Sovereignty of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic within the USSR, adopted on September 20, 1990 by the Soviet of People's Deputies, laid the foundation for the construction of a sovereign state. The step, dictated by the need to ensure a secure future for the Ossetian people, was the only right one and, what was the most important, was based on international law and the legislation of the USSR, in force at the time.

The creation of statehood was not an easy task in the context of increasing political and military pressure on South Ossetia by Georgia, which was overwhelmed by a wave of nationalism since the late 1980-s. There were years of struggle and the hardest trials ahead.

This task was solved at the cost of an incredible strain of moral and physical strength, at the cost of the health and lives of thousands of our people and thanks to unparalleled courage, heroism, dedication, loyalty and selfless devotion to the Motherland.

Precisely at turning points our nation proved its wisdom, courage and responsibility for future generations. It was the unity of our people that allowed us to respond to the difficult challenges of war and peace.

With acquisition of its statehood the Republic of South Ossetia discovered reliable paths towards social, political and economic development and ensured preservation of its native language and original culture.

Today we remember with deep respect the decent representatives of our nation who stood at the origins of the South Ossetian statehood, laid the foundation of its public institutions and made a great contribution to its formation and development.

Tskhinval, September 20, 2024

