Congratulatory letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua Valdrack Ludwing Jaentschke Whitetaker on the occasion of the Independence Day of Republic of Nicaragua

Южная Осетия и Никарагуа

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev has addressed a congratulatory letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua Valdrack Ludwing Jaentschke Whitetaker on the occasion on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Nicaragua.

The letter, in particular, reads:

“In the centuries-old history of Nicaragua, September 15, 1821 is a fundamental date, which symbolizes the desire of its people for freedom, devotion to their roots, respect for their past and confidence in the future of new generations.

Despite the challenges of the time, Nicaragua confidently and consistently follows the path that was chosen more than two hundred years ago – the path of peace, independence and justice, achieves significant social and economic as well a political successes, and defends firmly and confidently its interests in the international arena.”

On the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Nicaragua Akhsar Dzhioev also sent a congratulatory message to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Republic of South Ossetia Alba Azucena Torres Mejia.
