On the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack in Beslan

МИД Южной Осетии

September 1 to 3, memorial services are being held in Ossetia dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the horrific terrorist attack in Beslan, one the most large-scale and inhumane acts of terrorism in the history of modern Russia.

On September 1, 2004, during the Knowledge Day festive line at Beslan's school №1, terrorists took students, their parents and teachers hostage. For three days, 1128 people were held in the school building. For three days, the hostages endured terrible conditions without food or water. The terrorist attack, unparalleled in cruelty and cynicism, claimed the lives of over 300 people, most of them children and women.

It is a special date for all of Ossetia, for all of the ossetian people, and it will forever remain a bleeding wound.

The scale of the events of those terrible days in September shook the entire world, leaving no one  indifferent. Monuments in memory of the victims of the attack have been erected not just in Beslan. There are memorials in Moscow and Saint Petersburg; there is a square in Florence named after the tragedy; and there are art compostitions in San Marino and Turkey.

September 3 in Russia is the Day of Solidarity in the fight against terrorism - the Day of Remembrance of the victims of Beslan. On this day, we pay tribute to the memory of all those who died at the hands of terrorists and to the heroes that gave their lives to save the hostages.

Tskhinval, September 3, 2024

