On the 16th anniversary of the beginning of the Georgian armed aggression against the Republic of South Ossetia

МИД Южной Осетии

Sixteen years ago, in the night from 7th to 8th August 2008, armed forces of Georgia, trained by the “collective West” in accordance with NATO standards, being fully supported by those countries, launched a massive shelling of sleeping Tskhinval using large-caliber weapons and the Grad missiles. The major strike was made on the Ossetian militia, a large part of the South Ossetian army. Russian peacekeepers were also attacked, despite the protection by international mandate.

The courage of the defenders of Tskhinval and the Russian army, which came to help the long-suffering Ossetian people, did not allow the Georgian troops to implement the bloody operation, cynically named “Clean field”.

The timely decision taken by the Russian leadership to conduct an operation to force the aggressor to peace, adopted in accordance with the UN Charter, not only saved the South Ossetian people from complete extermination, but also became an act of restoring historical justice, demonstrating the greatness of the Russian Federation, confirming its subjectivity and independence.

The August war of 2008, which key outcome of which was Russia's recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, led to new geopolitical realities in Transcaucasia.

Despite the years that have passed, the grief for the dead does not subside. The losses and the price that the Ossetian people were forced to pay in the struggle for their existence and freedom were too great. Today, South Ossetia pays tribute to the memory and respect of the victims of the Georgian criminal regime led by Saakashvili, and once again calls for the condemnation and punishment of the perpetrators of that tragedy.

August 7, Tskhinval 2024

