The Statement of the Ministry of Forieghn Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia about the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Оn 11-15 April 2011 in Strasburg will start the spring session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PAСE), where among other subjects is planned to discuss Georgia’s commitments observance as a member of this authoritative international organization.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia draws attention of the members of PAСE to the fact that Georgia demonstratively continues ignoring the undertaken international obligations, implementation of which was a condition of the acceptance of this country to the Council of Europe.

In particular, one of these conditions was resolving of the problem regarding refugees in consequence of georgian-ossetian conflict in 1989-1992. This problem has not been solved, but also is aggravated because of georgian aggression against South Ossetia in August 2008. Adopted by the Parliament of Georgia under pressure of the Council of Europe and signed by M. Saakashvili in the 31st of December 2006 the Law of Georgia about property restitution and compensations to persons, affected as a result of georgian-ossetian conflict, remained on paper. Not a single person from more than 100 thousand ossetians expelled from Georgia on ethnic bases, couldn’t restore in rights on lost property. The lawlessness concerning ossetian people, remaining in Georgia after ethnic cleansing, is still lasted. The Ossetians are restricted in employee relations, humanitarian programs towards Ossetian population of Georgia are curtailed, and all ossetian schools are locked in the republic. All this causes the continuation of ossetian outflow from Georgia. The direct violation of human rights and the factor of the continuous tension in relations between Georgia and South Ossetia are an adoption and realization of the law of Georgia on occupied territories.

In accordance with the Georgian ombudsman’s repor, in Georgian prisons mortality has intensely grown in 2010.This fact rises concern as there are still kept tens of South Ossetian citizens.

In connection with the suggested report of the High Commissioner of the Council of Europe Mr. Thomas Hammarberg at PACE session about the work done in 2010, the Ministry notes that much work has been done by High Commissioner and his experts in 2009-2010 on seeking for missing citizens of South Ossetia lost since 2008. As a result a conclusion was made that suggested four missing citizens of South Ossetia were detained by official force structures of Georgia. However, not a single recommendation, contained in the report of Mr. Hammarberg "Monitoring of the investigation of the cases missing persons lost during and aftermath the armed conflict in August 2008" by Georgian authorities is not implemented and there is not any progress in clarification of the fates of these young people, one of these persons was a teenager..

The Ministry expresses hope that present discussion in PACE of the Georgian commitments observer, will facilitate to eliminate the enormous problems with human rights, that take place in Georgia that can will promote democracy and regional security strengthen.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia reiterates reasonability of invitation the South Ossetia’s representatives to international tribunes for bringing of their position to the world community.

Tskhinval, April, 8, 2011
