Commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia concerning the adopted by Georgia’s Parliament “Concept of national safety”

On December 23, 2011 the Parliament of Georgia adopted new Concept of national safety. Elaborating and fulfilling of any concepts of development, no doubt, is a sovereign right of any state. But in this case Georgian document is another disguised propaganda maneuver, meant first of all for confirming of interests of western patrons of Georgian authorities. According to Concept, the main threat for Georgia’s security is an “occupation by Russian Federation of Georgian territory”, as for the “occupied territories”, Georgia is ready “at the initial stage of peaceful process start cooperation with Abkhazia and South Ossetia without consideration of final status”.

In principle, such theses in Georgian document, as well as its clearly bargaining spirit, not surprising for anybody. Georgia’s authorities are successively forming an image of Russia as an enemy state aiming to accuse Russia in starting of war in 2008 and present situation in the region and to detract attention of its own people from difficult socio-economic and political state in the country. In this connection South Ossetia more than once stated that the idea of “occupied territories” in no way refers to it and by no means corresponds to the character of Russo-Southossetian relations, that the territory of sovereign Republic of South Ossetia not constitutes a menace for the security of neighboring Georgia.

It looks strange the content of the part of the document where Georgia is ostensibly ready undertake steps on stabilization in the region “without consideration of final status of South Ossetia and Abkhazia”. Status of South Ossetia had been identified long ago by its people and is beyond discussion. The leadership of Georgia for the last 20 years by its criminal actions the apogee of which became an aggression in august 2008 against South Ossetia, with its own hand spelt the death of the issue of territorial integrity of Georgia within the framework of former Georgian SSR. As a consequence of such aggressive policy became creation of two new recognized democratic states aiming at stability in the region and establishing of good-neighborly relations with all states.

If powers of Georgia are really ready to normalize relations with the Republic of South Ossetia they are first of all must yield to signing of juridically binding document of non-use of force. However, to such a real step to establishment of security in the region Georgian authorities obviously not ready.

Tskhinval, December 30, 2011
