Awarding the Order of Friendship to Alkhas Kvitsinia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Russian Federation

Ахсар Джиоев вручил Орден Дружбы Алхасу Квициниа

On 4 October, an award ceremony was held at the Embassy of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Russian Federation.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev presented Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Russian Federation Alkhas Kvitsiniawith the Order of Friendship for his merits in strengthening relations between the peoples of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of Abkhazia as well as for his fruitful diplomatic service.

The ceremony was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergei Shamba.

Alkhas Kvitsinia expressed gratitude for the high award and noted the importance of joint work aimed at the benefit of the two fraternal nations.

Tskhinval, 4 October 2024

