Press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

September 19, 2017 saw Petr Gassiev, the Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia, hosting a meeting with Giulietto Chiesa, a political expert, journalist and public person, who among the Italian delegation arrived in Tskhinval to participate in the festivities, dedicated to the 27th Anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Dmitriy Medoev, South Ossetian Foreign Minister participated in the meeting.

The perspectives of cooperation in various spheres as well as the possibilities of establishing new contacts at the international arena were discussed during the meeting.

Petr Gassiev thanked Mr. Chiesa for his active social stand and work on upholding the interests of South Ossetia in Europe, which assist the Republic in overcoming its international isolation.

Under the decision of the Presidium of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia, Giulietto Chiesa was authorized to represent the interests of the Parliament of South Ossetia in the European Parliament.


Tskhinval, September 19, 2017

