Press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

Commemoration events, dedicated to the 9th anniversary of Georgian military aggression against the Republic of South Ossetia, are being hold in the Republic on August 7-8.

The tragic events, which happened nine years ago, will remain an open wound in the heart of the Ossetian people.

During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing in August 2008, Georgia has brought down the power of its military vehicle on South Ossetia. The treacherous attack of Georgia against South Ossetia became not only a violation of the fundamental principles of international law, but also a demonstration of complete disregard of the norms of a civilized society.

Invasion of Georgian troops to the territory of South Ossetia made irreparable damage to our state, having taken lives of hundreds of civilians. Despite the force imbalance, the defenders of Motherland showed worthy resistance and prevented implementation of the inhuman plans of Tbilisi. Thanks to the Russian Federation, which remained faithful to peacekeeping, the aggression was stopped, and we avoided new victims.

Officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia participated in the events.

The mourning ceremonies started from visiting the Museum of Burned Souls, located near village Tbet. Later musical composition “Memory Imbued by Pain” was performed in front of the Parliament, where the Symphonic Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater, directed by Valery Gergiev, performed the requiem concert in August 2008.
During the action entitled “Holy Places in our Memory”, which was organized on August 8, wreaths were laid at places of death of the defendants of Motherland.

Commemoration events have also been organized in the Embassies of the Republic of South Ossetia in Moscow, Sukhum in Tiraspol.


Tskhinval, August 08, 2017

