
On 24th round of Geneva International Discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia

On 25-26 June 2013 another meeting in the frame International Discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia took place in Geneva. At the meeting participated delegations of Republic of South Ossetia, Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia, Russian Federation, USA as well as representatives of EU, UN and OSCE. South Ossetia delegation was headed by the Presidential Envoy on post conflict resolution Mr. Murat Dzhioev.

On 27 June 2013 a special edition of newspaper ‘Vestnik of South Ossetia’ is published by the Plenipotentiary Representation (Embassy) of Republic of South Ossetia in Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. This edition is published as an attachment to PMR republican newspaper ‘Pridnestrovie’ from February 2009 on a quarterly bases.

On submitted by Georgia draft resolution on the status of displaced persons from Abkhazia and South Ossetia to United Nations General Assembly

Since 2009, the Government of Georgia had annually submitted to UN General Assembly its draft resolutions concerning displaced persons and refugees from Abhazia and South Ossetia. This year that annual resolution also is to be submitted to 67th plenary session of the UN General Assembly.

On 6 June 2013 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia D. G. Sanakoev had a meeting with the new Head of the Office of the International Committee of the Red Cross Ms. Valentina Kim.

During the meeting were discussed new aspects of cooperation, including issues of humanitarian and legal character, where the Minister expressed his hopes for further fruitful cooperation with the ICRC.

At the meeting were also present Ms. Nana Tedeeva, from the ICRC Protection Department and Ms. Natalia Gasseeva, the ICRC Administrator.


Tskhinval, 6 June 2013

On reception of a delegation from Friendship Society Italy - South Ossetia

On 1-3 June 2013 South Ossetia was visited by a delegation from Italy headed by the President of Friendship Society between Italy and South Ossetia, Professor Mauro Murjia. The delegation was invited to South Ossetia by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RSO D.G. Sanakoev.

On 20 May 2013 South Ossetia commemorated victims of Georgian aggression on Zar road in 1992.

On 20 May 1992 on the Road of Life, connecting Tskhinval with the rest of the world, near village Zar a convoy with defenseless children, elders and women was shot dead. 33 people were killed, 16 people were wounded. The eldest among them was 73 years old, the youngest was 11 years.

On 17 May 2013 a working meeting between members of South-Ossetian delegation for Geneva Discussions, headed by the Presidential Envoy on post-conflict resolution Mr. Murat Dzhioev, and Co-chairs of Geneva Discussions on Seecurity and Stability from EU, OSCE and UN took place.

During the meeting the sides discussed agenda of the forthcoming round of Geneva discussions, planned for the end of June 2013. The participants looked into different approaches to the negation format in the frame of Geneva discussions for better efficiency and productivity of the meetings.