
Празднование 79-й годовщины установления дипломатических отношений между Никарагуа и Россией

On December 13, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev attended the event, dedicated to celebration of the 79th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Nicaragua and the Russian Federation, organized in Moscow.

Предновогодний прием в Московском концертном зале «Зарядье»

On December 12, at the invitation of the Major of Moscow S. S. Sobyanin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia A. M. Dzhioev and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Z. N. Gassiev took part in the New Year’s Eve reception, which was held in the Moscow concert hall “Zaradye”.

А.М. Джиоев и М.М. Кулахметов

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia A. M. Dzhioev sent a congratulatory message to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of South Ossetia M. M. Kulakhmetov on the occasion of the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

Congratulatory message, in particular, states:

Исса Плиев

On December 12, in framework of the working visit to Moscow, the South Ossetian Foreign Minister Akhsar Dzhioev participated in the solemn ceremony of honoring one of the most outstanding representatives of the Ossetian nation, Army General, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Issa A. Pliev. The event was organized in connection with the 120th anniversary of Pliev’s birth and was held in the Hall of Glory of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, located on Poklonnaya Hill.

XVI Региональная конференция российских соотечественников стран Европы

On December 9-10, Belgrade hosted the XVI Regional Conference of Russian compatriots from European Countries “Historical memory, Russian language and Culture- the foundations of Identity of the Russian Diaspora in Europe “

On 5-6 November, 2023, a recurrent round of International Discussions on Security in Transcaucasia was held in Geneva. Delegations from the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia, the Russian Federation, the USA and representatives from the EU, UN, and OSCE participated in the meeting. The South Ossetian delegation was led by State Counselor to the President K. K. Kochiev.

МИД Южной Осетии

November 23 saw another politicized decision made by the European Parliament, which adopted the resolution on the incident, that happened on November 6, 2023 near the village of Amdzarin of the Lenigor region in the territory adjusted to the border with Georgia.