Announcement of the press-service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia.

Further to his working visit to Italy on 10 September 2013 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia David Sanakoev had a press-conference in Rome at a Conference Centre Roma Eventi. At the press-conference were present journalists from La Repubblica, Familia Cristiana, Eurasia, Itar-tass as well as representatives of the Russian Embassy in Italy.

At the press-conference the Minister explained reasons behind his visit to Italy. The aim was to establish contacts and ties at different levels. “One of the main tasks of our state is to overcome international isolation and for our Republic to become an equal member of the International Community in the nearest future”, - said David Sanakoev. He spoke to the journalists about history of South Ossetia, about difficulties of the people of South Ossetia on their way to independence and the importance of its recognition. The Minister noted that Georgian diplomats with support of the western partners do everything possible to block further recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia.

After that David Sanakoev had a meeting with Ambassador of Russia to Italy Sergey Razov at the Embassy of Russia in Italy.


Tskhinval, 11 September 2013

