Comment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia in connection with the statement of a number of UN Security Council member states

МИД Южной Осетии

Unfortunately, in order to support the so-called “collective West” mainstream, untrue theses are broadcast from high tribunes by a number of states. In particular, Francesca Gatt, Deputy Permanent Representative of Malta to the UN, voiced a joint statement on behalf of several member states of the UN Security Council, in which South Ossetia and Abkhazia are mentioned in the context of the territorial integrity of Georgia.

Once again, we have to disappoint the signatories of such statements and remind them of the need to perceive modern geopolitical realities in the region while considering the actual reality that has developed after August 2008. Both, the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of Abkhazia are independent states, recognized by the Russian Federation and other member states of the United Nations, and this sovereign status cannot be the subject of discussion.

Similar statements, voiced on the anniversary of the events of August 2008, tragic for South Ossetia and the Ossetian people, are drastically discordant with the full concealing of the war crimes committed by the Georgian authorities, including murdering of hundreds of civilians and the Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia. There are no “occupied territories” of Georgia, there has never been any “Russian invasion”, and the last 16 years have given sufficient time to realize these indisputable facts and accept the existing realities.

Tskhinval, August 16, 2024
