Congratulatory letter to Foreign Minister of Venezuela Yvan Gil on the occasion of his birthday

Ахсар Джиоев и Иван Хиль

Foreign Minister of the Republic of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev sent a congratulatory letter to Foreign Minister of Venezuela Yvan Gil on the occasion of his birthday.

The letter, in particular, reads:

"A true patriot and a citizen of your country, over the years of consequentional work you have walked the glorious path of honest and selfless service to your country and people, to the ideals and principles of the great Simon Bolivar.

While acknowledging your high professionalism and personal qualities, I also cannot but emphasize your consistency and devotion in working to implement Venezuela's foreign policy in today's challenging conditions.

It is with great satisfaction that we point out the constructive cooperation of our foreign agencies. I would also like to stress the importance of comprehensive development of relations with Venezuela for South Ossetia. Our countries share the view on forming a just multipolar world order on the basis of the principles of sovereign equality of states, non-interference in their internal affairs and respect for the rights of the nations".


Tskhinval, August 15, 2024

