Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

According to information available in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia official Tbilisi plans to organize scaled provocations at the state border with the Republic of South Ossetia.

Within the framework of realization of this project Georgian special services plans to organize a mass unauthorized violation on Ossetian-Georgian border by so called «refugees» - people who left voluntarily the territory of South Ossetia during the Georgian aggression in August 2008. The purpose of this action is to compel the South-Ossetian side to resort to force what will be headline by Georgian and Western media and to put all the blame on the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia.

In Tbilisi it is supposed that this wide-ranging provocation can bring political dividends to the regime of Saakashvilli during the process of disinformation of the world community about the real state of things with the settlement of the relationships between Georgia and South Ossetia and interfere with the serious stabilizing role of Russian Federation in strengthening the security of the Republic of South Ossetia on the border of Georgia. The confirmation of this is the hysteria in the Georgian mass-media about the recent incident with the firing of the detail of the Border Services of the KGB of RSO around the village of Lopan of the district of Znauri and the arrest of the infiltrees in the village of Koz of the district of Dzjava, which was attended by a stream of deceitful information from the official Georgian leadership, oriented, first of all, on the unsophisticated and uninformed audience in Georgia and on the West.

At the same time, the Georgian authorities consciously evade the cooperation with South Ossetia in all the questions, including the searching of the fair solution of the problems of people, who have become the hostages of the nationalistic and aggressive policy of Georgia. Also, there is no progress in the questions of delimitation and demarcation of the border with South Ossetia to what Georgia was repeatedly called to by the south-ossetian side. This can provide the strong guarantees of security of the inhabitants of the border area and help to build civilized and peaceful relations of two neighbor states within the frameworks of international standards with taking into consideration the existing realities.

It is rather disturbing that in Georgia in the settlements of so called «refugees» Georgian government designedly worsens the situation. Since recently welfare payments for this category of population there was cut and is not allowed necessary public assistance. Simultaneously amongst them are fomented the revanchist sentiments and the responsibility for the difficult conditions of citizens is blaming on so called «outer enemy». More and more often official Tbilisi instead of real assistance promises «soon return to the places of origin» with support of the international community thus pushing them to risky ventures and provocations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia expresses concern in connection with Georgia’s plans of organizing of scaled provocations against RSO and warns about threat of worsening of situation in connection with attempts of mass violation of state border. In case of their realization it will be considered as a safety hazard of South Ossetia and a responsibility for their organization and possible after-effects in that case will be laid on Georgian side.

Tskhinval, June 30, 2011
