Press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

In framework of the visit to the Republic of Abkhazia the South Ossetia President Anatolii Bibilov and members of the South Ossetian delegation participated in the opening ceremony of a monument to the fallen soldiers in the Abkhazian Patriotic War of 1992-1993 in Ochamchira and laid flowers at the monument.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Anatolii Bibilov noted that he admires the courage of the Abkhazians, the Ossetians and other nations who had shown, what was brotherhood, and that fascism would have been possible neither in Abkhazia, nor in South Ossetia, nor in Donetsk nor in Lugansk. The South Ossetian President wished the same unconditional victories in peaceful life to the fraternal people of Abkhazia.

During the meeting dedicated to the opening of the monument the President of the Republic of Abkhazia Raul Khadzhimba, the hero of Abkhazia, Deputy Minister of Defense of Abkhazia Vladimir Anua, the Head of the Ochamchira district Givi Dopua, the Chairman of the Council of Elders Appolon Dumava made speeches as well.
Names of five hundred residents of the Ochamchira district who didn’t come back from war are cut on the monument.

The flag of the Republic of Abkhazia is planted on the monument.


September 29, 2018, Tskhinval

