South Ossetian Foreign Minister Dmitriy Medoev’s Interview to Netgazeti

- Mr. Medoev, 9 years have passed since the recognition of the independence of South Ossetia by Russia. What has been done for the international recognition of South Ossetia throughout these years? What are your plans for the nearest future?

- Indeed, August 26, 2017 saw celebration of another anniversary of the recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation. This day is very important for us. After those August days Georgia has ceased its any attempts to force us to obey Tbilisi’s will. The peace has come, and it is the main success of all that campaign. Saakashvili's regime put an end to the peaceful process on August 8, 2008. And since this date the internationally accepted term “Georgian-Ossetian conflict” has ceased to exist, as well as the associated term “settlement".

We are grateful to Russia for interference, because it was the Russian soldier who saved our people from extermination. It happened precisely this way, as precisely this task was set for the Georgian army. And the existence of several mass graves in the territory of Georgia, where more than 100 unknown corpses have been buried, is another proof of that.

South Ossetia conducts a work aimed at expansion of the recognition in the world, at strengthening international relations. The work is conducted in Europe, Asia and on both American continents. I cannot specify in what countries. The Georgian side isn't able to interfere with this process, even despite the fact that it works in favor or against this plan. And the law signed by Donald Trump, prohibiting financial assistance to the countries, which had recognized South Ossetia, could not do much harm to it.

- If Russia didn’t recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, how, in your opinion, would have developed the events?

- I have already told about what would have happened to our people unless the decisions made by the Russian government – it would be a “chistoe pole”. Look, what is happening in your Kazbegi region today, in peaceful times. It is a true ethnocide of the Ossetians, the natives of these places. They were banned to visit the graves of their ancestors and the orthodox sanctuaries, to which their ancestors prayed for centuries. It seems that there is other regime in Georgia, a democratic one. However, it is an open question.

- On August 25, 2017 Anatoly Bibilov once again marked that Ossetia has to unify as a part of Russia. What do you think about that? If South Ossetia sees its future with Russia, then what’s the purpose for all these work on the international recognition?

- I am not in the position to comment on the President, but isn’t it clear the aspiration of the divided people for unification? Why the situation in Borchala or Lazika in Turkey is absolutely clear and close to the Georgians, but the one concerning the Ossetians is not? Are we talking about the “Hottentot morality”?

- The Geneva International Discussions are lasting for a long time. What in your opinion have they given to all parties of the conflict and how long can they proceed?

- The process of peaceful settlement of “the Georgian-Ossetian conflict” also lasted a long time and had one, but positive result – stability was maintained, but one person made another decision.

I have no will to interfere with others’ internal affairs, but until true pro-Georgian authorities, which understand and recognize the developed realities, come to power in Georgia, there won’t be anything good for that state.

Everyone should understand – the decision on recognition of the independence of South Ossetia by Russia is irreversible.

