
Of appointment of Sanakoev David Georgievich at the position of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

On 14 of July 2014 by decree of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia L. H. Tibilov Sanakoev David Georgievich was appointed at the position of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia.


Tskhinval, July 14, 2014


Pertaining to NATO summit in Wales

At Wales NATO summit conducted on 4-5 September Georgia received a considerable stack of “Enhanced cooperation” that although not granting a membership in Alliance but empowers Georgia’s access to intelligence, to participation in military trainings and strengthens cooperation in defense sphere. Besides, United States through the head of Defense Ministry Chuck Hagel who met with his Georgian college in Tbilisi on September 7, called for Russia to withdraw troops from Georgian border.

A working meeting between members of delegation of South Ossetia at Geneva Discussions headed by Presidential Envoy on post conflict resolution Murat Jioev with Co-Chairmen of Geneva Discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia, representing EU, OSCE and UN, took place in Tskhinval on 15 June 2014.

The main subject of the meeting was devoted to preparatory work on 29th round of Geneva Discussions planned for beginning of October.

During the last few days at different international venues many high-ranking officials often make statements that living conditions in South Ossetia are steadily deteriorating and human rights being violated everywhere. At the same time western curators of Georgia repeat relentlessly that Georgia is a display stand of successful changes and flagship of high-pitched democracy.

During the last few years UN General Assembly has been accepting draft resolution on refugees and IDPs from Abkhazia and South Ossetia, repeating the content of the document every year, Georgia tires to impose on the International Community a one-sided, politicized and biased approach to the refugee problem to back up its illegal territorial claims.

On 28th round of International Geneva Discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia

Another round of International Geneva Discussions took place in Geneva on 17-18 June 2014. At the meeting participated representatives of Republic of South Ossetia, Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia, Russian Federation, US as well as representatives of EU, UN and OSCE. Delegation of South Ossetia was headed by Presidential Envoy on post-conflict resolution M.K. Jioev.

Parliamentary elections took place in South Ossetia on 8 June 2014. More than 60% of the registered electorate participated in the vote. The voters were able to give their preferences to any of the registered nine parties that participated in the elections. International observers from 12 countries did not register a single violation of the electoral legislation and confirmed its compliance with high electoral standards. They also noted accomplishment of the electoral procedures, their transparency and absolute democracy.

On the refugee resolution accepted by the UN General Assembly

On 5 June 2014 the UN General Assembly accepted resolution on refugees initiated by Georgia. The document reflects falsified, one-sided and politicized vision of the problem imposed on the International Community by Georgia and its sponsors. The aim of the document was to claim again territories that do not belong to Georgia.

On 3-4 June Tskhinval was visited by a delegation of from Eritrea headed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea Mr. Osman Saleh.

During a comprehensive meeting, that took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the sides discussed perspectives of bilateral relations and potential cooperation in different fields.

The negotiations were carried out in a constructive a friendly manner.

After the meeting the sides answered questions of mass-media representatives.


Tskhinval, 4 June 2014



A telephone conversation between the acting in charge Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia David Sanakoev and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Abkhazia Vyacheslav Chirikba took place on 30th May.

During the conversation David Sanakoev noted that South Ossetia is closely following the situation in Abkhazia. He also hoped that political wisdom of people of Abkhazia will allow to remain within the constitutional framework and resolve the situation through a political dialogue by peaceful means.


Tskhinval, 30 May 2014