
The Plenipotentiary of the President of RSO on post-conflict settlement M. K. Dzhioev heading representatives of the Ossetian side on the Geneva International Discussions met the Co-chairmen of the Geneva Discussions who visited Tskhinval on February, 16.

Current issues of the forthcoming 31st round of the discussions that is held on March, 17-18, 2015 has been talked over.

- Mr. Sanakoev, taking into consideration the current situation in Ukraine and imposed sanctions, the situation in Russia and its allies can possibly be characterized as extremely intense. Russia is the main strategic partner of South Ossetia. How are security issues and the issues of the borders reinforcement solved, taking into account that by this time the contract on non-use of force with Georgia hasn’t been signed?

Pertaining to the statement of Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO

A number of statements made by Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, marked the press conference organized after the NATO -Georgia committee meeting. Russia was urged to call back the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Anxiety over the forthcoming agreement signing between South Ossetia and Russia was expressed.

On 1 of October during the meeting with UNDP Head Helen Clark the Minister of Foreign Affairs Maya Panjicidze stated that UNDP projects in Abkhazia can be realized in South Ossetia.

UNDP is, no doubt, important and useful agency of recognized value and merit. However, taking decisions of possibility for one or another international agency to fulfill its activity at the territory of sovereign state – the Republic of South Ossetia are authorized only competitive organs of state power of the Republic, but not Georgian foreign office.

Pertaining the statement of G. Margvelashvili

The President of Georgia after visiting the military airdrome and obviously satisfied by observing Georgian military helicopters flights made very strange statement that Georgia plans to regain the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia solely by peaceful means “and if Russia recognize that Abkhazia and South Ossetia are part of Georgia it will no longer be the enemy of Georgia”.

On 8 of September Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Republic of Abkhazia O. I. Botsiev arrived to Tskhinval for consultations.

Ambassador met with the President of the Republic of South Ossetia L. H. Tibilov. The meeting was also participated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia D. G. Sanakoev.

South Ossetian leadership stated more than once that first priority in foreign policy for South Ossetia is further integration with Russian Federation. The process of integration between two states is going on intensively. To date there are signed more than 70 international agreements, a number of new agreements are presently in process of elaboration, besides, negotiations of signing of new agreement of friendship and cooperation are under way.

Amendments made on August 4, 2014 in the Federal law “Of citizenship of Russian Federation” and some legislative acts of Russian Federation oblige Russian citizens to inform about availability of foreign citizenship, residence permit or any other actual document of permission to permanent residence in foreign state.

Thus, RSO citizens with Russian citizenship ought to notify in written form the territorial authority FMS of Russia of their place of residence about RSO citizenship in 60 days (till 4 October 2014) after the entry into force of these amendments.