Comments by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSO


President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov, during a meeting with the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions, confirmed the firm position of the Republic aimed at a peaceful and civilized solution of all existing issues, said Foreign Minister of the RSO Dmitry Medoev in a comment to the news agency “Res”.

Anatolii Bibilov, the President of the Republic of South Ossetia, hosted a meeting with Gairbek Salbiev, the Chairman of Darial Public Movement, which unites natives and citizens of the Kazbegi region of Georgia. Representatives of the organization have numerous times claimed about violation of their rights by Georgian authorities.

September 27, 2017 saw an episode of 60 Minutes broadcast on the Russia-1 federal TV channel where one of the participants of the show was trying to draw an analogy between the situation in Ukraine, which has been developing in connection with the ban on use of Russian, and some changes which have affected teaching at schools of the Leningor region of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Pertaining to the Catalan independence referendum

We in South Ossetia watch carefully the political developments in Spain, where on September 6, 2017 the Parliament of Catalonia passed the law on conducting a referendum on independence on October 1, 2017. As a democratic process, a referendum is the highest form of expression of the will of people, and the results of this significant political action are of paramount importance for the community.

The so-called territorial integrity of Georgia was again supported within the meeting of the Security and Defense Working Group of the U.S.–Georgia Strategic Partnership Commission, which was organized in the U.S. Department of State. During the meeting the U.S. representatives expressed once again the concern about the on-going borderization of the Republic of South Ossetia. Alongside with this Russia was again called on to withdraw its forces from the region.

Q: A propaganda campaign connected with the work on the designation of the line of the state border between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia has been launched in Georgia. As they say in Tbilisi, this line was moved deeper into the territory of the neighboring state, and residents of the areas of Georgia bordering with South Ossetia lost their agriculturally used land. How would you comment on this?

The scandal which has burst in Georgia after the visit of the Co-chairs of the Geneva International Discussions to Tskhinval can only cause bewilderment and again disappointment with the priorities, Georgian policy in relation to South Ossetia is based on. This time the inexplicable overreaction of Tbilisi was caused by words of congratulation on the occasion of inauguration expressed by Mr. Herbert Zalber, the Co-chair of the GID representing the EU, at the meeting with Anatoliy Bibilov, the President of the Republic of South Ossetia. The diplomatic politeness shown by Mr.

It became known that on May 3 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CMCE) made a decision concerning the agenda “the Council of Europe and the Conflict in Georgia” which in fact borders on the absurd. According to that decision, Russia at once became a party in Georgian-South Ossetian conflict and for that reason has to bear international legal responsibility for the excesses which allegedly happen on the ground. Besides, the U.S.

We paid attention to statements made by a representative of the UN Secretary General in which regrets are expressed about presidential elections and the referendum on resumption of the historic name “the State of Alania”, which from now on would be used alongside with the existing name of the state, that took place in the Republic of South Ossetia. The UN considers it as unilateral actions that could affect negatively regional security and undermine the GID.

Statements of Anna Fotyga, the Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense (SEDE) of the European Parliament, representatives of the U.S. State Department and other institutions where they express “deep concern” over the presidential elections in the Republic of South Ossetia appointed for April 9 and the referendum on resumption of the historic name “the State of Alania”, which will be used alongside with current name of the Republic, diffused by the MFA of Georgia were not left without attention in South Ossetia.

March 24 saw the 34th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council adopting the Resolution on Cooperation with Georgia where the absolutely baseless alarm about “human rights and humanitarian situation in South Ossetia” and the impossibility of access of international observers to South Ossetia territory was stated. The document was formulated and submitted at the session by Georgia.