Statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSO


Pertaining to Noble Partner 2018 – multinational military exercises conducted in Georgia

Large-scale military exercises Noble Partner 2018, in which more than 3 000 soldiers from 13 NATO member states are participating, started in Georgia for the fourth time on August 01, 2018. The US aircraft and German armored vehicles are involved as well.

For several years already has been the UN General Assembly accepting draft resolution on refugees and displaced persons from South Ossetia and Abkhazia prepared by Georgian party. While delivering again and again the same writing of the document Georgia tries to impose on international community a unilateral politicized vision of the problem of refugees in order to support its non-legitimate territorial claims.

Passions related to the death of a Georgian citizen Archil Tatunashvili, who died in the State hospital in Tskhinval, are being inflamed in Georgia. On February 22, 2018 Archil Tatunashvili was detained by law enforcement agencies of South Ossetia in Leningor on suspicion of reconnaissance and sabotage activities and involvement in murders of civilians during military aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia in August 2008.

On the occasion of the Day of Bravery and National Union

Commemorative events, dedicated to the Day of Bravery and National Union, are held in the Republic of South Ossetia on November 23. This great day went down in history of South Ossetia as a symbol of stout-heartedness and unity of the nation in its struggle against the Georgian aggression.

On November 23, 1989 under the pretext of a peaceful demonstration, the Georgian nationalists, headed by Zviad Gamsakhurdia, organized a several thousand strong march towards Tskhinval.

Festivities, dedicated to the 27th Anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia are being held in South Ossetia. The proclamation of the Republic became a logical result of the aggressive Georgian policy, aimed at extirpation of the Ossetian nation, its ancient traditions and culture. This big day ushered in a new era in history of South Ossetia. According to the established tradition, the Day of the Republic is celebrated with a military parade held in South Ossetian capital.

The official delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia, headed by Igor Kozaev, the Chief of Administration of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia, which was heading to Tiraspol to participate in the festivities dedicated to the 27th Anniversary of the Day of Republic of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, was denied entry to the Republic of Moldova by border guards of the Republic of Moldova on August 31.

Georgian border guards placed at Russian-Georgian border denied entry to Georgia for Russian citizens of Ossetian origin, natives of settlement Kob, who were going to their native village to celebrate a religious holiday. Without explanation, deportation stamps, banning from entry for five years, were placed in their passports, and later, with reference to an order of a higher official, it has been cynically stated that “not a single Ossetian would ever enter the territory of village Kob”.

Festivities dedicated to the 9th anniversary of the recognition of the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation are taking place in the Republic on August 26.

The correct and fateful decision taken by Dmitriy Medvedev, the President of the Russian Federation, nine years ago gave the Republic the chance for stable development, and after two decades of ethnical cleanings, which culminated in the barbarous action of the Tbilisi regime in August 2008, provided guarantees of security against other attempts of military aggression from Georgian side.