Participation of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia A. M. Dzhioev in the work of the round table in the South Ossetian State University named after A.A. Tibilov

Круглый стол в ЮОГУ
Круглый стол в ЮОГУ
Круглый стол в ЮОГУ
Круглый стол в ЮОГУ

On 19 August, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia A. M. Dzhioev took part in the round table “Relations between Russia and South Ossetia: historical memory and challenges of globalization’, which was held at the South Ossetian State University and was timed to the 16th anniversary of the recognition of the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation.

The event was organized by the South Ossetian State University named after A. A. Tibilov together with the North Caucasus Federal University.

The round table was also attended by the Ex-President of South Ossetia Ludvig Chibirov, Minister Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in South Ossetia Alexander Zhurov, Rectors of South Ossetian State University (Vadim Tedeev) and North Caucasus Federal University (Dmitry Bespalov), as well as representatives of the scientific and political community.

At the beginning of the event a welcoming message to the audience was read out on behalf of the President of South Ossetia A. E. Gagloev.

Words of greetings to the participants of the event were also addressed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev, who emphasized that in the conditions of constantly changing world it is very important for South Ossetia to have such an ally as Russia, which is the guarantor of security and peace in the Republic.

During the round table reports were made covering various aspects of relations between South Ossetia and Russia in different historical periods, as well as at the present stage, the contribution of the Russian Federation to the formation of statehood of the Republic of South Ossetia, prospects for further development of cooperation between Tskhinval and Moscow.

Tskhinval, August 19, 2024

