In connection with the 32nd anniversary of the Zar tragedy

Зарская трагедия

The 20th of May is the Day of Memory and Sorry for Victims of the Georgian aggression.

The tragic events of May 1992, when at the Zar road Georgian armed militia shot at point blank the truck with peaceful Ossetian civilians, who fled for their lives from horrors of the war, was written in the history of the Ossetian people in bloody letters.

33 persons – innocent children, women and elderly people became victims of that bloody crime.

Unfortunately, the executors of that atrocities, including, first of all those, who were giving orders, has not bear any responsibility for mass murder of helpless civilians. Before and after the Zar tragedy the Ossetian people has suffered of beasty Georgian Nazi regimes not once. We all know, that impunity results in new crimes, and the Georgian armed aggression of August 2008 is another indisputable confirmation of that.

The day of May 20 will forever remain in Ossetia the Day of sorrow and mourning. Despite the 32 years that have passed, we guard the memory of those terrible moments, which remain an unhealing wound in our hearts, filled with the hope, that sooner or later the Evil will be punished. This crime has no statutory limitation.

Annually, on this mourning day, people come to the place near village Zar, where the crime had been committed and where the monument Mourning Mother was raised in memory of those killed, to observe a minute of silence in memory of not only innocent victims of the Zar tragedy, but all those murdered by Georgian aggressors in different periods of the Ossetian genocide and those compatriots who gave their lives for the independence of our Motherland.

May 20, Tskhinval 2024
