Answers of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RSO


The South Ossetian Foreign Minister stated about the necessity to extend international contacts 21:30 17.10.2017

Rome, October 17, 2017 – RIA Novosti, Sergey Startsev. South Ossetia (the Republic of South Ossetia) continues its diplomatic work on further recognition of the Republic and extension of international ties in different regions, stated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Dmitriy Medoev in the interview to RIA Novosti, organized during his working visit to the Apennines.

- Nine years ago diplomatic relations were established between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation. What are, in your opinion, the results of the development of South Ossetian-Russian relations over this time? What is their significance not only in framework of intergovernmental format, but in view of strengthening stability and security in the South Caucasus?

- Could you, please, be more precise about official and working visits of the President? What is their purpose, and what agreements have been concluded?

- The primary role in foreign policy implementation is played by the President. As earlier, further development and strengthening of the strategic partnership with the Russian Federation is the top priority of our foreign policy.

Q: Today Presidents of Georgia and Ukraine have visited the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia with Georgia. What are your comments on this fact?

A: It recently has become a bad tradition for Georgian authorities to organize provocative ceremonial excursions to the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia for their guests. Poroshenko was no exception and was shown a great honor – he participated in another border theatrics, claiming that he had arrived to testify “the territorial integrity” of Georgia.

Q: A propaganda campaign connected with the work on the designation of the line of the state border between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia has been launched in Georgia. As they say in Tbilisi, this line was moved deeper into the territory of the neighboring state, and residents of the areas of Georgia bordering with South Ossetia lost their agriculturally used land. How would you comment on this?

- South Ossetia recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in June 2014. After Presidential Decrees on recognition of the Republics were signed, the MFA of the RSO received instructions from President Tibilov to establish diplomatic relations with them. What can you say about the positive results of the Ministry’s work in this direction?

September 10, 2009 saw the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela recognizing the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia that became an important political event in political life of our young Republic. Venezuela is the third country that followed the example of Russia and Nicaragua and made such a responsible and significant for us decision despite the difficulties the country was facing at that time. People of South Ossetia will always be thankful to the Venezuelan party for that.

Diplomatic ties are established between our countries, state visit to Venezuela was organized.