On participation of the South Ossetian Foreign Minister Akhsar Dzhioev in opening of photo exhibition entitled “Beslan. Remember so as to live”

Фотовыставка «Беслан. Помнить, чтобы жить»
Фотовыставка «Беслан. Помнить, чтобы жить»
Фотовыставка «Беслан. Помнить, чтобы жить»
Фотовыставка «Беслан. Помнить, чтобы жить»
Фотовыставка «Беслан. Помнить, чтобы жить»
Фотовыставка «Беслан. Помнить, чтобы жить»

On May 21, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev visited the opening ceremony of the photo exhibition entitled “Beslan. Remember, so as to live”, which was held in the art exhibition hall of the Tibilov South Ossetian State University.

The exhibition, dedicated to the tragic events that happened in the Beslan school, was organized by Mothers of Beslan Association of victims of terrorist attacks together with the South Ossetian State University.

May 21, Tskhinval 2024
