

On 18 and 19 June, 2011 ten citizens of Georgia having violated the state border between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia were detained in Dzau Region of the Republic of South Ossetia not far from the village Koz. At present relevant South Ossetian services carry out an investigative action with the detainees upon completion of which case papers will reach the trial.

On 31 May, 2011 by the Decree of President of the Republic of South Ossetia E. Kokoity President Counsellor of State of RSO Narim Zakharovich Kozaev is appointed an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Brief biographic reference:

Tomorrow on 28 May by tradition South Ossetia Diplomacy Day is marked in the Republic of South Ossetia. The appearance of this remarkable day is connected with the fact that on 28 May 1992 the first Government of the RSO was formed at the session of Supreme Soviet of the Republic of South Ossetia. And the Ministry of Foreign Relationships was a part of it. The Ministry of Foreign Relationships was a prototype of present-day Ministry of Foreign Affairs. By tradition we have been marking South Ossetia Diplomacy Day since then.

Today on May 20, 2011 in the Republic of South Ossetia are taking place memorial events dedicated to 19th anniversary of Zar tragic event.

19 years ago, on May 20, 1992 at the height of Georgian aggression against South Ossetia, at the Zar bypass road, the only way from beleaguered Tskhinval to safe Vladikavkaz, Georgian gunmen fusilladed point-blank transport column with peaceful Ossetian citizens. 34 people including women, elderly persons and children died, 16 people were wounded. The eldest victim was 73, the youngest – 12 years old.

According to report of KGB of the Republic of South Ossetia on May 18, 2011 at the state border with Georgia duty detail of KGB border service detected a cluster of citizens of Georgia in the vicinity of Lopan village who violated the border of the Republic.

During the detention South Ossetian duty detail was fired with light arms. By return fire assailants were dispersed and escaped to the territory of Georgia.

On 13-14 May 2011, the Republic of South Ossetia Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Kuzmich paid a working visit to the Republic of Abkhazia.

In the course of the visit meetings with Abkhazian Prime-Minister S.M.Shamba and Minister of Foreign Affairs M.Kh.Gvinjia took place. They discussed the question of further development of the bilateral relations and in particular the development of the contractual and legal foundation of the collaboration М.К. Jioev paid his respect to the first President of the Republic of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba and laid flowers at his grave.

On 11 May 2011, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Jioev M.K. received the Head of the Office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in RSO Piere Raichel.

They discussed questions concerning the activities of the Red Cross on the territory of RSO. In particular, they touched upon the subject of three-sided meetings on the search of the missing people.

The Head of the Red Cross informed Jioev M.K. about the completion of the agricultural project on seeds distribution in rural areas of South Ossetia.

On 25 of April the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation S. V. Lavrov visited the Republic of South Ossetia. Within the Framework of visit eventuated meetings with the President of RSO E. D. Kokoity and the Minister of Foreign Affairs M. K. Dzhioev.

On 25 of April the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation S. V. Lavrov visited the Republic of South Ossetia. Within the Framework of visit eventuated meetings with the President of RSO E. D. Kokoity and the Minister of Foreign Affairs M. K. Dzhioev.