
On 17 September 2013 is marked the fifth anniversary of since signing of the Agreement on friendship, cooperation and bilateral support between Russian Federation and Republic of South Ossetia. The significance of this date was commented by the Minster of Foreign Affairs of RSO David Sanakoev to State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “IR”.

On 11 September 2013 a working meeting between delegation of South Ossetia to Geneva Discussions, headed by Plenipotentiary Presidential Envoy on post-conflict resolution Murat Kuzmich, and the Co-chairmen of Geneva Discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia from EU, OSCE and UN took place in Tskhinval.

During the meeting the sides discussed issues related to the next round of Geneva discussions planned for beginning of November 2013.

Further to his working visit to Italy on 10 September 2013 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia David Sanakoev had a press-conference in Rome at a Conference Centre Roma Eventi. At the press-conference were present journalists from La Repubblica, Familia Cristiana, Eurasia, Itar-tass as well as representatives of the Russian Embassy in Italy.

On 4 September Minster of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia left on a business trip to Italy where he carried out a range of meetings.

On 4 September the Minister had a meeting with Lara Ricchetti, SEL party delegate. During the meeting the deputy expressed her confidence that the first visit of the Minister to Italy would be successful and ties between South Ossetia and Italy would be extending and strengthening.

On the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic South Ossetia D. G. Sanakoev with State Secretar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia G. B. Karasin

On 2 September 2013 a meeting between Minster of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia D.G. Sanakoev and State Secretary Deputy Minster of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation G. B. Karasin took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation.

On 26 August 2013 in Tiraspol, upon invitation of the Chairman of the Contribution Fund ‘Independent Eurasia’, under the patronage of the Council of Aldermen, Chairman of the Council of Aldermen G. S. Marakutsa, were carried out public expert hearings on: ‘Russia and Transdnestria: new phase of economic, social and humanitarian integration’, at the hearings participated Head of the Official Representation of Republic of South Ossetia in Pridnestrovie S. Sugaro and his Deputy S. Myasnikov.

On 26 August 2013 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia David Sanakoev had a meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Republic of Abkhazia Beslan Eshba and with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Abkhazia Oleg Arshba, they arrived to the Republic for celebrations of the 5th anniversary since recognition of the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia by Russian Federation. At the meeting participated Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia Alan Kochiev.

On 26 August 2013 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia David Sanakoev had a meeting with the Secretary General-Head of Secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nagorny Karabakh Republic Semen Afiyan, who arrived to the Republic as a member of the NKR delegation for celebrations of the 5th anniversary since recognition of the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia by Russian Federation. At the meeting participated the Ombudsmen Inal Tasoev.

On 26 August Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of South Ossetia David Sanakoev received the President of Prodnestrovian Moldavian Republic Eugeny Shevchuk and Minister of Foreign Affairs of PMR Nina Shtansky, that are in Republic of South Ossetia with an official visit on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of since recognition of State Independence of South Ossetia.

On the fifth anniversary since recognition of State Independence of South Ossetia by Russian Federation

During decades Georgia was aiming to assert its rule over South Ossetia, using everything for suppression, including ethnic cleansing and direct genocide. Establishment of a sovereign State was the only way for people of South Ossetia to protect their right for life, freedom and human dignity under permanent threat of war from Georgia.