
Dmitriy Medoev, South Ossetian Foreign Minister, hosted a meeting with the official delegation of the Republic of Abkhazia, which arrived in Tskhinval on the occasion of the festivities dedicated to the 27th Anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Adgur Kakoba, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Abkhazia, Oleg Arshba, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia and Georgy Dumava, the Assistant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia, were among members of the delegation.


Tskhinval, September 20, 2017

Festivities, dedicated to the 27th Anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia are being held in South Ossetia. The proclamation of the Republic became a logical result of the aggressive Georgian policy, aimed at extirpation of the Ossetian nation, its ancient traditions and culture. This big day ushered in a new era in history of South Ossetia. According to the established tradition, the Day of the Republic is celebrated with a military parade held in South Ossetian capital.

September 19, 2017 saw Petr Gassiev, the Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia, hosting a meeting with Giulietto Chiesa, a political expert, journalist and public person, who among the Italian delegation arrived in Tskhinval to participate in the festivities, dedicated to the 27th Anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Dmitriy Medoev, South Ossetian Foreign Minister participated in the meeting.

September 19, 2017 saw Dmitriy Medoev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia, hosting a meeting with Mauro Murgia, the Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia in Italy, who among the delegation from Italy arrived in Tskhinval to participate in the festivities, dedicated to the 27th Anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia.

September 18, 2017 saw a meeting of Dmitriy Medoev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia, with a delegation from Turkey, consisting of representatives of the Ossetian public organization “The Alans”, which arrived in Tskhinval on the occasion of the festivities, dedicated to the 27th Anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Terms of further development and strengthening humanitarian and cultural ties between South Ossetia and the Ossetian expats community in Turkey were discussed during the meeting.

The so-called territorial integrity of Georgia was again supported within the meeting of the Security and Defense Working Group of the U.S.–Georgia Strategic Partnership Commission, which was organized in the U.S. Department of State. During the meeting the U.S. representatives expressed once again the concern about the on-going borderization of the Republic of South Ossetia. Alongside with this Russia was again called on to withdraw its forces from the region.

September 13, 2017 saw Dmitriy Medoev, the South Ossetian Foreign Minister, hosting a meeting with Muraz Kozonti, a famous historian, professor at the Katyavala Bwila University in Angola, who is native of South Ossetia.

The Minister noted that we in South Ossetia are always glad to welcome the guest in his historic homeland and are proud of such a worthy representative of the Ossetian nation.

Dmitriy Medoev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia, hosted a meeting with the Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions, representing the EU, the OSCE and the UN, who arrived in Tskhinval on a working visit.

Murat Dzhioev, the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia on post-conflict settlement, participated in the meeting.

Working meeting of the South Ossetian delegation at the GID, headed by Murat Dzhioev, the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia on post-conflict settlement, and the Co-Chairs of the Discussions, representing the EU, the OSCE and the UN, took place in Tskhinval on September 12.

The agenda of two working groups at the coming 41st round scheduled for October was discussed in detail at the meeting.

- Nine years ago diplomatic relations were established between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation. What are, in your opinion, the results of the development of South Ossetian-Russian relations over this time? What is their significance not only in framework of intergovernmental format, but in view of strengthening stability and security in the South Caucasus?

On the official reception dedicated to the 9th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation

A ceremonial reception dedicated to the 9th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, organized by South Ossetian Foreign Ministry together with the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy and Inter-Parliament Communications, took place in the Garden room of the Parliament of the Republic on September 11.

For the attention of citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia

As Dengue virus infection was registered in the Bolnisi region of Georgia in June 2017, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia warns citizens of the Republic, who have Russian citizenship, regardless of place of residence, against visiting Georgia until the officials announce about localization of the potential epidemic.