

Dear Murat Dzhioev,

Heartily congratulate You with the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of South Ossetia!

The 8th of April 2011 became the important period in modern history of RSO.

This day was adopted the Basic Law of the Republic of South Ossetia as a state, proclaimed by its high value personal rights and freedoms of the people, and its primary obligation - protection of these values. Sure, that each year this celebration day will add to the people of fraternal South Ossetia enthusiasm, joy and confidence in future.

South Ossetia Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Jioev sent a greeting telegram to Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergey Mironovich Shamba in connection with his jubilee.

The telegram says in particular:

“I testify to You the assurance of my unfailing respect, and I am given an honor in the name of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and personally from myself to pass You sincere anniversary greetings.

The Republic of Ossetia Ministry of Foreign Affairs testifies the assurance of its highest respect to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sahara Arab Democratic Republic and is given an honor to direct to the Ministry heartfelt greetings on the occasion of 35 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence Day of SADR.

The Minister of RSO Foreign Affairs Murat Dzhioev addressed a congratulation telegram to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Finance of the Republic of Nauru Kieren Keke on the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Nauru.

“Presenting my highest consideration to You I have the honour to direct You worm congratulations on the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Nauru.

The Transdniestria Moldavian Republic Minister for Foreign Affairs Vladimir Yastrebchak sent a greeting telegram to South Ossetia Minister for Foreign Affairs Murat Jioev on the occasion of the national holiday in the Republic of South Ossetia– the Day of the Republic.

The telegram says in particular:

“I send the warmest greetings on the occasion of the main national holiday- the Day of the Republic.

The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh Minister for Foreign Affairs Georgi Petrosyan sent a greeting telegram to South Ossetia Minister for Foreign Affairs Murat Jioev on the occasion of the national holiday in the Republic of South Ossetia– the Day of the Republic.

The telegram says in particular:

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of South Ossetia in Russian Federation Dmitry Medoev sent a greeting telegram to South Ossetia Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Dzhioev on the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of South Ossetia- the Day of the Republic.

The telegram says in particular:

“I testify the deepest respect and consider it an honor to send you greetings in connection with the National holiday – the Day of the Republic.

The Head of the Official Representative Office (Embassy) of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Transdniestria Moldavian Republic Sergei Surago sent a greeting telegram to South Ossetia Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Dzhioev on the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of South Ossetia - the Day of the Republic.

The telegram says in particular:

The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua in the Republic of South Ossetia Luis Alberto Molina Kuadra sent a greeting telegram to South Ossetia Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Dzhioev on the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of South Ossetia - the Day of the Republic.

The telegram says in particular:

The Transnistrian Moldovan Republic Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Yastrebchak directed a greeting message to the Republic of South Ossetia Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Dzhioev in connection with the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic war. The message particularly says: