Answers of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RSO


Terroristic attacks becoming usual around the world show that no one is protected against international terrorism. Terrorism has no borders and threatens the whole world. There is no secret that special agencies themselves can be involved in organizing terrorist acts. 22 terroristic acts were organized by Georgian special agencies on territory of the Republic of South Ossetia from 2005 till 2008. They resulted in 16 victims and 34 injured who received wounds of varying severity and even became invalids.

On terrorist attacks in Belgium

Kazbulat Tskhovrebov, South Ossetia Foreign Minister, stated about absolute condemnation of terrorist attacks that hit Belgian capital and resulted in large number of victims and injured. “We offer our deepest condolences to the government and families of the victims. People of South Ossetia experienced firsthand terrorist acts and therefore call the international community to be united against this evil”.


March 22, 2016, Tskhinval


- Kazbulat Inalovich, what can you say about the diplomatic achievements made this year?

- Looking back on the year, one can say that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reached the full range of the objectives that were set. The primary goal for the Ministry is to pursue the foreign policy course determined by the President of the Republic.

International community is following events of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.

President Putin’s UN General Assembly speech was expected as he spoke on Russian vision on international situation, problems in Middle East and Ukraine.

I carefully listened to the President. There is no secret that South Ossetia has always been politically oriented to the Russian Federation and thus Russian opinion on definite terms of international agenda influences international policy of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Under the Foreign Minister Order an Expert Council affiliated with the Ministry was found. Scientists, political experts, analytical experts, social activists can participate in work of the Council. There will be permanent members (citizens of the Republic) and external experts (including citizens of other states), who would be invited depending on subject of a certain meeting.

- The professional day of South Ossetia diplomacy is celebrated on May, 28. It is possible to say that South Ossetia diplomacy came to a new, qualitative level compared to the time the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RSO had been established? What is the main focus area of the activity conducted by South Ossetian Foreign Ministry, if we take into consideration the current political situation?

- Mr. Sanakoev, taking into consideration the current situation in Ukraine and imposed sanctions, the situation in Russia and its allies can possibly be characterized as extremely intense. Russia is the main strategic partner of South Ossetia. How are security issues and the issues of the borders reinforcement solved, taking into account that by this time the contract on non-use of force with Georgia hasn’t been signed?